Increase the Return On Investment of your portfolio of projects
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What do we mean by "Increase Return On Investment"?
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What measurable performance improvements can we expect to achieve?
Maturity Level
Starting from the bottom, or lowest level, many organisations make their way gradually up towards the top level. Where would you place your organisation on this spectrum?
Download PDF versionModule 1: How to measure Return On Investment and Cost Of Delay
Understanding Return On Investment
Learning outcomes:
- How ROI is calculated can determine how successful the initiative will be in yielding a higher return
- Measuring ROI the correct way can enable iterative, incremental and innovation solution design to deliver better results
Understanding Cost of Delay
Learning outcomes:
- How Cost of Delay can be calculated for a variety of initiatives
- How increasing cashflow is essential to increasing returns
- How non-cash benefits also yield greater returns when reducing Cost of Delay
Diminishing returns
Learning outcomes:
- Understand how diminishing returns affects your portfolio of work
- Explain the importance of rejecting low-value work to increase returns
- Set the expectation that projects will be cut-off once they deliver sub-par value
Module 2: How to break down work in a portfolio of projects
Pareto's principle applied to portfolios
Learning outcomes:
- Understand how the scope of a project is separate from the outcomes it brings, and reducing the scope doesn't have to reduce the outcomes
- Explain to stakeholders how a reduced initiative scope delivers outcomes while freeing up teams to deliver more value from other initiatives
Capacity Issue vs Scope Issue
Learning outcomes:
- Explain to stakeholders that problems with team capacity can be resolved by better managing scope and breaking down work
- Use the car loading metaphor to explain to stakeholders why work should be broken down
Make all work same-sized
Learning outcomes:
- Understand that if you take size of effort out of the equation, then all that matters is value, which is how work should be prioritised at all levels
- Use the Jar of Sand metaphor to explain to stakeholders how work gets completed by Agile teams
Module 3: How to run a Big Room Planning session to deliver better returns
Preparation needed before the planning day
Learning outcomes:
- How to do sufficient discovery and breakdown of work to be ready to plan on the day
- How to get all stakeholders ready for the day
- How to setup and manage a run sheet to be adequately prepared
Preparing the boards and the mindset for the day
Learning outcomes:
- How to prepare planning boards with the right information to get the most out of the day
- Start the day with introductions, vision, objectives and focus
Facilitating sessions, and playbacks
Learning outcomes:
- How to facilitate planning sessions to maximise efforts
- How to create effective playbacks of each plan to maximise learnings and collaboration
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Why study with Incremental Excellence?
At Incremental Excellence, we have insights and expertise drawn from decades of experience working in software development initiatives.
We have the perspective of both the delivery teams on the ground doing the hard work, as well as the management team trying to constantly strive for better outcomes.
Expert Instructor
This course has been built by an industry expert with decades of experience working in software teams and team optimisation.
Practical Approach
Our hands-on approach gives you the driving seat to learn how the activities work so that you can apply them immediately.
Unique Insights
This course gives you a way of thinking about the problem and situation that fundamentally changes how you will solve problems.
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