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Lean and Adaptive portfolio management

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Maturity Level

Starting from the bottom, or lowest level, many organisations make their way gradually up towards the top level.  Where would you place your organisation on this spectrum?

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Module 1: How to break down a portfolio of projects

Pareto's principle applied to portfolios

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand how the scope of a project is separate from the outcomes it brings, and reducing the scope doesn't have to reduce the outcomes
  • Explain to stakeholders how a reduced initiative scope delivers outcomes while freeing up teams to deliver more value from other initiatives

Capacity Issue vs Scope Issue

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand how to reduce scope through continuous breaking down and refinement of project scope
  • Help stakeholders to understand that capacity problems can be resolved through mature scoping techniques

Make work same-sized

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand how to break down work into consistent sizing at the Epic and User Story level as a way to simplify delivery
  • Explain to stakeholders how by same-sizing work, you can focus the discussion on value without the distraction of estimation and effort

Module 2: How to manage a portfolio with heightened adaptability

Now, Next, Later for managing a portfolio of projects

Learning outcomes:

  • How Now, Next, Later sets expectations with stakeholders about commitment and size of work that gets completed
  • How to set commitment levels and time frames for each of Now, Next and Later
  • How the portfolio is managed using continuous rolling-wave planning looking ahead at Now, Next, Later time frames

Organise long-standing teams around streams of work

Learning outcomes:

  • How to set up long-standing teams based upon domain or value stream
  • How to ensure that each team has a consistent and valuable stream of work
  • How to minimise Discovery and estimation efforts for each team

Manage the pipeline of work

Learning outcomes:

  • How to shape, estimate and plan work at each time frame with minimal effort
  • How to manage priority, and push versus pull of work
  • How to de-scope low-value work

Module 3: How to make estimation and adaptability work in lean portfolios

Estimation at the Now timeframe

Learning outcome:

  • How to ensure that work fits into the Now timebox and doesn't disrupt what comes next
  • How to estimate with minimal effort at each time frame, and only as required

How to create adaptability

Learning outcomes:

  • How quickly teams can close out work determines their adaptability
  • Supporting existing solutions must fit in with future strategic development.  This is achieved via capacity splits

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Why study with Incremental Excellence?

At Incremental Excellence, we have insights and expertise drawn from decades of experience working in software development initiatives.

We have the perspective of both the delivery teams on the ground doing the hard work, as well as the management team trying to constantly strive for better outcomes.

Expert Instructor

This course has been built by an industry expert with decades of experience working in software teams and team optimisation.

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Practical Approach

Our hands-on approach gives you the driving seat to learn how the activities work so that you can apply them immediately.

Unique Insights

This course gives you a way of thinking about the problem and situation that fundamentally changes how you will solve problems.

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